Let’s WOW!

This month, I’m participating in WOW month with the Women’s Fiction Writers Association’s (WFWA). WOW stands for Work our Works in Progress. Unlike NaNoWriMo, it’s not necessarily about writing a novel in a month, but about choosing a writing, editing or querying goal for the month of February and concentrating on it. There are alsoContinue reading “Let’s WOW!”

Write-In for the Win!

Thanks to all of the members of Citrus Crime Writers for inviting me to host a fun virtual write-in on Sunday, Nov. 14, 2021, from 2:00-3:00 pm. I led two fifteen-minute writing sprints for members. Sherry Morris blew us away with her high word counts with Martha Geaney and Jen Walsh right behind her. OurContinue reading “Write-In for the Win!”

Get Your NaNoWriMo On!

Last year, I checked out NaNoWriMo–National Novel Writing Month–and managed to write 30,000 words on one of my writing projects. It’s a great way to kick start your writing, even if you don’t plan to crank out 50,000 plus words. In honor of NaNoWriMo, my friends at Citrus Crime Writers (CCW – Central Florida ChapterContinue reading “Get Your NaNoWriMo On!”

A Tale of Two 2020s

“It was the worst of times, it was the best of times.” Dickens got this year right. Both great and awful things happened this year. From the stresses of COVID and political and social strife to positive life changes and home moves, 2020 has whipsawed me at every turn. I’m thankful to be happy andContinue reading “A Tale of Two 2020s”