Community Matters!

During these turbulent COVID times, I moved into a new community in SW FL—about four plus hours away from my Orlando home base and writing community—just in time for a global pandemic. With societal lockdowns and health concerns, it was very difficult to meet new people or connect with fellow writers or other community groupsContinue reading “Community Matters!”

We’re Baaaaack!

Thanks to the Gulf Coast Writers Association (GCWA) Board, members, and guests in Fort Myers for inviting me to make an educational presentation on Copyright or Copy Wrong? The Basics of Copyright for Authors. (for educational purposes only, not intended as legal advice) It was their first in-person meeting since Spring 2020’s COVID shutdowns soContinue reading “We’re Baaaaack!”

Inching Back to Normalcy

It seems we’re finally starting to inch our way back to normalcy as more people get vaccinated and COVID rates continue to fall in many locations. I’m glad to see that some local writer groups are feeling ready for in-person meetings while continuing to include Zoom options for those who prefer to participate online. ThisContinue reading “Inching Back to Normalcy”

A Tale of Two 2020s

“It was the worst of times, it was the best of times.” Dickens got this year right. Both great and awful things happened this year. From the stresses of COVID and political and social strife to positive life changes and home moves, 2020 has whipsawed me at every turn. I’m thankful to be happy andContinue reading “A Tale of Two 2020s”